Burned Widows are Dragon Wives Possessed by Radiance and Doomed Wyrms

When a dragon wife slays her husband, a piece of the wyrm follows her. These pieces are what keep the divine engine inside of her roaring whenever she encounters something draconic to kill. But, should her Radiance score double past its threshold, the grief of these doomed dragon souls will blossom into something more. If not given immediate attention, she is immolated in the sickening light of Radiance and transforms.

Rises from the pyre doth the Burned Widow.

She is grief and hatred and regret. A wife who has murdered her lover. She is a threat to the Heaven Bless'd and a weeping queen of the Heaven Burned.

Tiamat claims them as her greatest warriors.

Commission from Ragnar Pendon

Choose 1d4.

  • To kill all Dragon Wives, so that they do not suffer as the Burned Widow does.
  • To bear children again. The Burned Widow will sacrifice 1000 human hearts to regain her fertility.
  • To die. The Burned Widow will attack anything she finds, in hopes that it kills her.
  • To forget the dragons she's killed. The Burned Widow will defend any draconic beings being attacked.
  • For dragons to go extinct. The Burned Widow will guard a clutch of dragon eggs with her life.
Choose 1.
  • To hear about the City. The Burned Widow will rip the tongues out of anyone who mentions it.
  • To be reminded of what she was.
  • To be alone. The Burned Widow will sever the limbs of her enemies and drag them to her lair to keep her company.
  • 1 thing that all other Burned Widows want.
Choose 1. All effects begin within 1 mile of the Burned Widow.
  • It begins to rain ash and soot and visibility drops to 5 feet.
  • The shadows of dragons race around the environment, but no dragons are in sight.
  • Thunder forms clear words in your language. They are threatening and regretful.
  • Draconic Radiance increases in the area. All living creatures hear white noise and their vision frequently fills with static.
  • The world appears darker, and every living creature experiences their own form of the chills, as if they were being watched.


HD: 10 (or multiples of 10, up to 30)
AC: As Highly Magical Plate + Shield

  • Three attacks with any weapon from the Bless'd Armory. For each damage roll, roll twice and take the highest.
Speed: Human x2
Morale: 10 

  • Roll 1 time on the Dragon Mutation's table and 2 times per HD on the Dragon Wife Class Feature's table. The Burned Widow has these features.
  • The Burned Widow has the Dragon Wife drakocide features. It does not have the normal triggers. Instead, it triggers as tier 1 against any creature, tier 2 against creatures who have killed dragons, and tier 3 against Dragon Wives.
  • The Burned Widow has a breath weapon. Roll for it on the Dragon Breath Weapon table.
  • The Burned Widow turns into ash when reduced to 0 hit points and reforms 1d10 days later somewhere in the Shattered Crowns.  Every time she reforms, reduce her maximum HD by 5, to a minimum of 1. If destroyed when she has 1 HD, she is permanently destroyed.
  • The Burned Widow regenerates 1d6 hit points every round. If damaged by a dragon, the Burned Widow doesn't regenerate the next round.

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