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Little weird bastard 1 |
- Dwarves were designed, not born.
- Dwarves are workers before all else. When a Dwarf is thinking "What will I do today?" it is actually thinking "What work will I begin/complete/polish today?"
- Dwarves do not feel happiness or grief. Instead they feel only three emotions: anger (when their work is harmed or interrupted), greed (when they see a way to begin newer, better work), and satisfaction (when they complete is work).
- Dwarves range in size from the size of ants to around 4'11" in height. They are grey-skinned, red or black eyed, and covered in hair.
- Dwarven gods are Gods of Work. These gods have been built by the dwarves; they have built Gods of Smithing, Gods of Sculpting, Gods of Killing, Gods of Brewing, Gods of Breaking, etc, etc.
- Dwarven Godsmiths die when their god is finished. The god goes on to inspire dwarves to perform the type of work it represents.
- Dwarves are monstrous. Never forget this. They care not for the life of outsiders, as outsiders interfere with work. It is for this reason that dwarves are so dangerous.
- Dwarves do not dream. Dreams distract dwarves from their vision.
- It is every dwarf's vision to achieve their magnum opus someday--a work of such utter magnificence that no other dwarf can create it. Few have been made, and each is powerful beyond imagination.
- Dwarves are not scientifically minded. They do not experiment or study or learn. They simply work, and absorb information as if through osmosis.
- Dwarven Gods are the reasons dwarves create new things. Godsmithing is creating something that creates something, which is why Godsmiths are seen as divine and holy.
- The first dwarves were forged from the core of the planet. They work their way up, shaping the mantle, then the crust. Cities, forges, fortresses, etc, found underground are always dwarven made.
- The greatest enemy to the dwarf is the vampire.
- Dwarves do not have society as we understand it. It is best decribed as they are organized by the work they make, but there is so much nuance there that only their eyes can see and only their minds can understand through the work they've done.
- Dwarven Monarchs are strange, near-eldritch things indeed. Their hands can turn stone into dragonslaying spearhead with little time, and their vision sees only how to turn something into many greater things.
- Dwarves are sexless. When two or more love each other, they redirect their work into designing another batch of dwarves who will continue their work.
- War is a form of work, and many dwarves are skilled at it.
- A dwarf who grows too greedy will succumb to dragon sickness and destroy themselves and any other dwarves they meet. These Dragon Sicks are exiled and left alone by the rest, as they interfere with the work.
On Elves
- They are the blood of God. The Elven God, of course, which is a god of many things, such as Poetry, Rebirth, Butterflies, Wrath, etc. They are not this God's children--they are its blood given form.
- They have neither stable sex nor what we would call gender roles. At one moment they can be biologically male or female or some place in between. This is because they are Poetry, and Poetry is Motion, and therefore Elves are motion too.
- Elves, being Motion, change forms as they age. They begin as sprites and pixies and then become luminous faeries and then what you know as an elf. Beyond that stage, they become weird and strange--horns and weird forms and odd elements grow from their bodies. And this leads to the next point.
- All of what we know of as "Fey" descend from Elves. The Archfey of Satyrs is an ancient elf whose children took on its form and, over time, were no longer elves but instead something else. This is why all fey are so wildly different, but also so starkly similar.
- Elves feed off of emotion. When they eat something, the act of eating it just makes the emotions of their prey more raw. In essence, the actual biological act of eating is like adding spice to food--the food being emotion.
- Humans have the most diverse pallate of emotions. Therefore, Elves (and Fey) hunt humans. The Wild Hunt is but one aspect of this. All those Fairy Tales are also hunts--a Fairy Tale is literally just an Elf (or Fey) creating a situation to feed on the most emotion possible.
- Elf society cannot be understood in any terms as we understand society. They live too long, change too much, think too far ahead. For this reason, Elves are not really playable characters--it's the same as playing a Star or a Devil or a non-sentient Worm.
- The pretty pictures and the nice courts, etc, are all just Fairy Tales too. Elves feed on other fey just as they do humans.
- Because of all of the above, it would be safe to say that Elves are an Apex Predator. Were it not for the gun (holy be that instrument) then humanity would have destroyed itself in its wars to push back Fairy Tales and the like. But a .50 caliber round is a great equalizer, and so, for now, Fairy Tales are rare, and elf hunts rarer still.
On Dark Elves
- If Elves are the blood of the Elven God, then Dark Elves are its nightmares. They murdered their parent in its sleep and burst from its skull dark and twisted. This is what began the War of Grief--that endless war between Elves and Dark Elves.
- The word Drow is a curse created by Elves to distinguish themselves from their estranged siblings. The Drow embrace this curse, as they themselves are curses.
- Elves feed on emotion, and do their hunts through Fairy Tales. Drow feed on Conspiracies, and hunt through lies, deceit, and subterfuge.
- Conspiracies of all kinds are created by Drow. They enter into the dreams and nightmares of things, or they slowly insert themselves into society, and they spin lying webs inside and in this way they prepare their food.
- Drow have a very organized and hierarchal society. This is because Elven Society is loose and fluid, and Drow, as Elven equals, wish to be a force that terrifies them so. The Melniboneans from the Elric novels are just one of many Drow societies.
- Because Drow are Elven nightmares, they are able to become Nightmare Gods. These are greater than the Archfey, but fewer too, but they are horrific and inspire naught but terror and doubt.
- Drow have stolen and perverted much that the elves once held dear. Many butterflies have been twisted into moths, flowers into fungi and slime, suns into eclipses, golden cities into half-real mirages. Yes, the War of Grief has had consequences for the elves, and in that way the Drow are always winning.
- Many think Drow would be ugly, given their nature. But no. The only thing that terrifies the Elves when it comes to beauty is a beauty greater than theirs. And so Drow are impossibly perfect in so many ways, to the point that the most beautiful are, like their cities, half-real--phantasms that seduce and trick.
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