When a dragon lays a clutch of eggs, there is a 90% chance that each egg will hatch into some form of demi-dragon. The parent wyrm will usually devour or destroy most of these drakes, but with so many clutches being laid, it is no wonder why the Heavens Bless'd & Burned are so overrun.
Gatherers are trained in the art of hunting and killing demi-dragons. These creatures can be butchered and prepared in such a way as to baptize them of their radiance, making them edible. Drakes can be farmed and their eggs harvested, and they are used as popular sport for city-hunts inside the City of the Dragon Wives, where they are bred weaker and stupider than their feral cousins.
Below is a comprehensive list of demi-dragons. If the demi-dragon is found inside the City of the Dragon Wives, reduce its hit points by half, remove its to hit bonus, and reduce its damage down to 2d4.
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Drake's are fucking monstrous |
Demi-Dragon Species
The bevar asp is a long, serpentine demi-dragon with scales the color of ember, jade, and charcoal. Found feral, their bodies are roughly a meter in diameter and12 meters in length. A bevar asp has neither limbs nor wings, and most are blind or flatout eyeless. Despite this, there is always a functional eye inside their mouth, found on a stalk that replaces its tongue. This eye stalk is not the reason the bevar asp's mouth is so horrifying. No less than 27 rows of poisoned fangs snap out when it lunges forward for a strike. Bevar asp poison is a hallucinogenic that makes lust, fear, or envy blossom in its victims mind. It has no breath weapon, and its roar sounds like a bed of snakes hissing and a crying baby trapped with them.
Typical Bevar Asp
HD 3 (24) SPEED As human x2
HD 3 (24) SPEED As human x2
ARMOR As Studded Leather (unnaturally tough skin)
MORALE 6 normally
MORALE 6 normally
- Bite: +7 to hit for d12 damage.
- Victims of the bevar asp bite must Save vs Poison or become possessed by intense lust, fear, or envy for the next person they see. This poison lasts for 24 hours or until antivenom is administered.
- The bevar asp can use its action to force a Save vs Paralyze. On a failure, the target creature is paralyzed and takes d6 damage at the start of both its turn and the bevar asp's own.
Few predators are as relentless as the Bless'd Komodo. This demi-dragon is roughly 7 meters in length and weighs upwards of 1,400 lb. It moves slowly on four limbs, and its scales are a dull grey. The Bless'd Komodo follows a tactic when it hunts. First, it delivers a savage bite to its victim, sometimes multiple if it can't get purchase. Then, it flees. The Bless'd Komodo's mouth drips with radiance and bacteria, which infects the target and kills them over a period of seven days. If the target receives no help, they will either die or be weakened enough for the Bless'd Komodo, who has been stalking this entire time, to saunter in and devour its screaming victim. The Bless'd Komodo's roar is that of air escaping a cadaver's open wounds.
Typical Bless'd Komodo
HD 4 (32) SPEED As half-human
ARMOR As Half-Plate + Shield
- Bite: +7 to hit for d10 damage.
- Tail Savage: +7 for d8 damage.
- Victims of the Bless'd Komodo's bite must make a Save vs Poison. They must roll twice, and take the lowest result. On a failure, the victim's draconic radiance increases by +2 for 7 days, and they lose d6 hp at the start of every day. HP lost in this way lowers the target's maximum hit points.
- The Bless'd Komodo has a 3-in-6 chance to hide.
The Ghul Drake is a creature of nightmare and legend. Gatherers and Dragon Wives both are specifically trained to spot and avoid them in the wild. A Ghul Drake's scales are the same color as the Ashpit's dunes, and they hide underneath them and lie so still that they appear dead. Some Ghul Drakes even cover themselves in the corpses of direwolves or hyenas to improve their disguise. Rare is it they hunt alone. A graveyard of ghul drakes has been the end of many expeditions, and is said to have brought gods and men alike to their deaths. A ghul drake's roar is the sound of hundreds of bones breaking.
Typical Ghul Drake
HD 4 (32) SPEED As human
HD 4 (32) SPEED As human
ARMOR As Half-Plate
- Bite/Bite/Bite: +7 for each hit, dealing d10 damage with each bite.
- Ghul Drakes have a 5-in-6 chance to hide, increasing to 6-in-6 if they use another creature's corpse.
- Ghul Drakes have breath flesh-eating bacteria. Save vs Breath Weapon or take 1 point of damage. Every 24 hours afterwards, lose d4 hit points and reduce your maximum hit points by the number rolled. Damage caused by this cannot be healed through any non-divine or radiance means.
Wyverns are the most common demi-dragon, on account of their ability to fly and thus ignore many of the Heaven Bless'd & Burned's dangers. They are the size of mustangs, with 10 meter wingspans and long, barbed tails that look eerily like those of a scorpion's own. Wyverns are solitary creatures, though on occasion they may gather with others during mating moons. Some wyverns have been domesticated in the past and used as steeds, though Dragon Wives kill them when they find out. All wyverns are aggressive--their flight makes them arrogant. A wyvern's roar is the sound of thousands of scorpions flexing their claws.
Typical Wyvern
HD 3 (24) SPEED As human, as human x3 when flying
HD 3 (24) SPEED As human, as human x3 when flying
ARMOR As Studded Leather (unnaturally tough skin)
- Bite: +7 to hit for d6 damage.
- Stinger: +7 to hit for d10 damage.
- Bite/Stinger: +7 to hit for each, dealing d6 with each hit.
- Victims of the wyvern's stinger must Save vs Poison or suffer 2d8 damage.
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