In this blog post, I'm going to expand the setting of the Silvered Marches in terms of roll tables and luff, as well as some interesting and frequent boons, curses, and lunar magicks.
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Three Manifestations of the Moon. From left to right, the Waxing Child, the Night White Lady, and the Waned Princess |
In the Forgotten Realms traditional canon, Selune is the Goddess of the moon, also known as Our Lady Silver, the Moonmaiden, Night White Lady, and She Who Guides.
Religion in the Realms Forgotten & Bloody is a bit more complex, but before we get to that, Selune has to be addressed in full.
Selune's original name has long since been forgotten. Her creation story, that her and the goddess of darkness Shar are the first twins and deities, has likewise been lost to time. These ancient tales may not be true at all. But it is known that there is but one true Moon in all the universe; all others are her children, born from prayer itself when the various worlds, planes, and multi-verses were created.
The pronoun her is not truly accurate for Selune. While her manifestations are almost always female, Selune is sexless. Manifestations appear this way due to the creation of the many moons across the cosmos. To many mortals, such a thing appears feminine and motherly. Essentially, it is the cultural beliefs of those that acknowledge her that have shaped her physical form. This is true of all deities.
Selune's identity changes with the waning and waxing of the moon as well. This has in turn birthed a number of quasi-deities and lunar powers, and has led to powerful souls across time joining her and co-opting some of these identities. The Drow moon goddess The Dark Danceri, for example, was a Drow who escaped the curse of Lloth by joining Selune and becoming one of her phases. Likewise, the Raven Queen, known in the Silvered Marches as Quaca, Queen of the Moon joined with Selune's New Moon phase in hopes of one day finding her tragic true identity.
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In the Moonwood, the only living animals are wolves. All others are ghosts that wolves consume. |
Because of the multi-identity nature of the Moon, religions, powers, curses, and blessings that manifest from it are as varied as they are many. These many identities congeal in the Silvered Marches--the first place the moon's light ever shone upon. It is, for all intents and purposes, Selune's home, her cradle, her grave, and her prison. Nowhere else in the Realms Forgotten & Bloody does the moon shine as bright, as truly, and no where else does it have such an effect on the Weave.
The Dark Side of the Moon, though unknown to the people of the Silvered Marches, is a colonized place. It is here that drow Matrons build their Celestial Gardens, medusae petrify demons and devils to add to the moon's size, illithid plan secret invasions, and shadar-kai looking for tragedies build grim outposts. This is a setting for another time, however.
Below is a list of Lunar Aspects--the various identities the moon takes on--that are recognized in the Silvered Marches. Some are bard's tales, others deities, some are scriptures, and others rumors of supernatural wanderers.
- The Waxing Child, a cultural hero who is said to go on adventures at night. Many children play pretend as her, and she is a loved protagonist in many plays.
- Our Night White Lady, a woman of power invoked by lovers and women in labor at night. Midwives pray that she does not take women away from their children during birth.
- The Waned Queen, a tragic figure whose stories represent the dangers of silver-healing. The story goes that she practiced silver-healing to save her wife, and in doing so turned her into a werewolf.
- Quaca, Queen of the Moon, a raven-masked aspect of the New Moon, central deity in Moondancing, and thought to create tragedies during the new moon.
- Silver Scriptures, a central tenant in Weavism focused on silver-healing and silver-based rituals. Teaches that silver is where all arcane knowledge originates.
- Fenris, Eater of Hope, an aspect of the waning moon and believed by Moon Druids to be the moon's central aspect; father of all wolves, mother to all lycans.
- The Moonmaiden, a crying, wandering woman of pale silver. It is said that whoever shows her love becomes a great leader, but inevitably dies a tragic death.
- Our Lady of Silver, a mythological avatar of the moon that represents the aristocracy's arcane right to rule. Merchants carry statues of her wherever they go.
- Sariel, Course of the Moon, the chief servant of all phases of the moon, guider of silver light, brother-friend to owls, and hope's shepherd. Tattoos and pendants of him are worn, and offerings made to owls in search of greater wisdom. Believed to be the one who taught humanity how to chart the course of the moon and learn many of its secrets.
- Elah, a war-deity whose lances of moonlight and falling stars are worshiped by the Bedine nomads of Desert Anauroch.
- Innkeeper Luna, a mythic innkeeper whose inn, the Sweet Dream is said to appear before those who need respite desperately.
- Dannan, Who Hunts Cities, an ancient archdruid and the first to become a lycan and ascend to his palace on the Dark Side of the Moon.
- Silvadin, Who Wanes and Waxes, the god of rebirth in Lunagricultism. Said to be he who first turned the moon, and he that guides all souls back to the Silvered Marches.
- Miada, Mother of Moonrises, avatar of the rising moon and goddess of agriculuture in Lunagricultism. Said that it is her light that enriches the soil of the southern parishes.
- Selune, the First Moon, believed by those who worship old faiths to be the true identity of the Moon, and warrior-goddess who wages an endless battle against the night sky.
- The Dark Dancer, guiding patron of surface-living drow and half-drow who is said to inspired song, dance, and to create masks needed.
- Argentilunacies, Silver Dragon of the Citadel, a legendary silver dragon who once fought alongside the dwarves of the now empty citadels. Disappeared hundreds of years ago, believed to have joined the moon out of despair for losing so many friends. Prophecized to one day return and smite the Nether Mountains with moonlight flame.
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Sariel, Course of the Moon. |
Silver: The Moon's Gifts to the Silvered Marches
Silver is literally the physical body of the moon. When melted, it is the moon's blood. When solid, it is the moon's bones. Thus, silver has a number of magical properties well-known by the educated.
That being said, note this: silver is not the end-all be-all. Though a cornerstone of the Silvered Marches and a cultural power, its true strength lies in the hands of the upper castes; the wealthy and aristocrats control 99% of silver flow. Rare is it that peasants gain access to the benefits of silver not provided by clerical temples, the Conclave of Silvermoon, or the governments themselves. Mining silver, because of its importance, is also a vert respectable job. While many poor do it, the money they make it but a sliver (sometimes literally) of what the powers that be do.
Because of this, cultural belief has expanded to value more than just the Moon. The warsmithing, agriculture, hunting, and arcane study are other important cultural artifacts in the Silvered Marches.
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Argentilunascies is said to have breathed a storm of silver blades upon his foes. |
Supernatural Properties of Silver
- Silver is receptive to enchantments. Most magical artifacts found in the Silvered Marches are made of silver, or contain silver portions.
- Undead cannot stay corporeal in its presence, and must flee or be destroyed. For every 10 minutes an undead is exposed to silver within 5 feet, their maximum and current hit points decrease by 10.
- Cursed creatures, including undead and lycans, are purified when silver touches them. Creatures that are cursed, are undead, or are lycans are vulnerable (take double damage) from silver weapons.
- Silver can be used as an arcane focus for arcane magic, and a divine focus for divine magic.
- 100% purified silver can be consumed. It extends one's life, makes them more magically inclined, and positively improves mood.
- Working with silver can infect one with supernatural abilities. Many sorcerers owe their power to a life working as a silver miner.
- Suits of armor made of silver grant advantage on rolls to withstand spells.
- Polished silver mirrors are not only integral scrying tools, but serve as prophetic tools if the right rituals are done.
Character Benefits of Carrying Silver
- For every 10 pounds of silver you carry, gain +1 additional hit points.
- Consuming 1mg drop of 100% purified silver (worth 1 full) restores 1 expended spell slot.
- Silver jewelry grants advantage on being possessed.
- Charms made of silver and given the proper rituals provide advantage on saving throws against being cursed.
Using Silver in Rituals
- Using silver in rituals that require expensive material components halves the price of the ritual.
- Rituals using silver done on the Full Moon are completed in half the time they normally require.
Silver-healing is an age-old tradition in the Silvered Marches, now taboo. By using silver in medicine, a host of diseases can be cleansed, the mind can be focused and made stable, magical potential can increase, and physical abilities are heightened. However, silver is horribly addictive when used in this way, and addiction leads to lycanthropy. Those who provide silver-healing are called silver-doctors, the silver-gilt, moonmen, or shades.
Finding a silver-doctor requires spending at least 5 fulls in Silvermoon. This amount of money will earn their attention. Likewise, one must sign a waiver stating that if they grow addicted, they are liable for immediate, unquestioned execution. Because of these reasons, only foreign powers and the absolute rich can ever afford silver-healing of any form.
A silver-doctor will provide healing that takes 8 hours of time. The process is strange; a drip of molten silver, cooled through spells, is set up as an IV drip into the arm of the recipient. Prayers to the moon and arcane spells are written onto the body in silver ink. Over the course of the 8 hours, miraculous healing can be done.
For every session of silver-healing done, make a saving throw (Wisdom DC 15 or vs poison). On a failure, you have the seed of addiction. Make another saving throw for the next 10 days when the moon rises if you do not receive additional silver healing. If you fail more than you succeed, you are addicted and will pay any amount to receive more silver-healing. After a month, make one last saving throw (Wisdom DC 20 or vs death). On a failure, you become a lycan. On a success, make another 10 days of saving throws, as per the above rules. If you ever succeed on more saving throws than you've failed during these 10 day periods, you break your addiction.
Silver-healing is how resurrection is done in the Silvered Marches. If you are brought back to life, you have an automatic addiction to silver-healing until broken.
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Cooled silver kept liquid is famed across Faerun. |
Services Provided through Silver-Healing
Additional fulles are added to the initial 5
- Restore all HP (including putting maximum HP back at its normal amount) - 2 additional fulles.
- Restore a lost limb - 1 additional full per lost limb.
- Cleanse or restore mind to sanity - standard price.
- Enhance mind (gain +1 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifier) - 3 additional fulles.
- Enhance body (gain +1 Strength, Dexterity, and Constiution) - 3 additional fulles.
- Enhance magical ability (gain an additional spell slot at a level you can cast) - 2 additional fulles per spell slot level.
- Polish magical ability (learn a cantrip) - standard price.
- Gain magical ability (gain 1 level in magic-user or sorcerer) - 5 additional fulles.
- Become powerful (gain +1 class level) - 100 additional fulles.
- Break curse - 2 additional fulles.
- Resurrect - 100 additional fulles.
- Become hearty (immunity to disease/poison for 6 months + gain 30 hit points) - 10 additional fulles.
New Magical Item: Silvered Spellbooks
Wondrous item, rare (attunement required by wizards or other spellbook-using classes)
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A Silvered Spellbook. |
A Silvered Spellbook is given to the Silverhands of the Conclave of Silvermoon, as well as to adventurers who prove themselves as positive impacts on the Silvered Marches. It is a spellbook bound in silver, whose pages made of liquid silver that become stable when read or written upon.
When attuned to a Silvered Spellbook, it serves as an arcane focus. Spells cast while using the Silvered Spellbook have advantage on spell attack rolls against undead, lycans, or cursed creatures, who also have disadvantage on saving throws against these same spells. The Silvered Spellbook also counts as 40 pounds of silver and grants the various properties mentioned above when used, save for the suit of armor property.
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It is peasants that bare the brunt Of lycan cruelty. |
Lycans, known regionally as the moon-kissed or moon-hated, are shapeshifters born from the moon itself. Or, to be more accurate, their obsession and interaction with the moon.
The first moon-kissed are recorded as having appeared nearly 2,000 years ago. Strange rituals were done to consume the moon's light, leading to a bodily change into that of a wolf--the beast that first worshiped the moon and her first champions. These rituals are known now, but forbidden in all cities as taboo. It is simple: by imbibing large amounts of silver, the shift begins to happen.
It is akin to possession, this shift. With the waning and waxing of the moon, your mind grows erratic. Predatory instincts blossom in your chest, your sense of who you are ebbs and flows, as does your memory, your love, your respect for others. At the peak, when the moon is full, the wolf erupts from within. Your skin breaks apart, hair grows through, your teeth elongate--you become a werewolf in true; moon-fanged, angry, no longer caring of friend or foe, hateful of all outside the moon's shadow.
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Intelligent Lycans are spoken of in rumor, superstition. They're said to be conspirators seeking to spread their curse as far & wide as possible. |
Across the history of the Silvered Marches has the imbibing of silver been used for various purposes. Increasing one's life, gaining more strength, improving one's magical talents. Churches have built up around this imbibing and silver-healing is something that Luarar is famed for. But the dangers have long since outweighed the benefits. Addicts who become lycans have torn apart the countryside more than once, and many of these monsters still haunt the southern parishes. Thus, silver-healing is offered only to the rich few, and only in small amounts, and closely watched over with the threat of execution hanging over the heads of those that abuse it.
The Moonwood alone is exception to this restraint. Druids of the Circle of the Moon who worship their namesake and wish to have a seat amongst her power freely consume raw silver and ethereal ghost-flesh. In doing so, they gain the power to shift into powerful animals, namely wolves and direwolves. All Moon Druids are werewolves. Inside of their precious forest, they freely hunt and indulge in their addictions, hoping to grow closer to the Moon proper. They are led by the legendary Fenris--an aspect of the moon born in the Astral Sea who fell to the Realms Forgotten & Bloody who knows how long ago. Under his hateful shadow do they thrive.
Rare is it that these Moon Druids leave their Moonwood. They trade lumber, meat, and skins in exchange for silver and stay to themselves. Those that leave are hunted down by their kin and dragged back to these secretive haunts. During these times, Silvermarch's Knights in Silver are told to protect the southern parishes from the appetites of super-packs descending from the forest. Though careful not to bring too much ruin with them, every time a super-pack descends is a time of calamity where many inadvertently end up dead. More on Moon Druids in a future post.
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Werewolf hunting is common north of the Nether Mountains. Only desperate adventurers take such jobs. |
Most horrendous of all is the ability for lycanthropy to spread. A werewolf's fangs are the fangs of the moon. Any that their pierce has a chance of becoming moon-kissed themselves. There are known cures to this, but the herbs needed are found either far beyond the Silver Marches or deep in the Moonwood. Thus, the most often cure is simple execution.
- While the moon wanes, you become morose, depressed. You reject things you once enjoyed, people you once loved, and only feel satisfied at night and when outside.
- While the moon waxes, you grow aggressive, angry, and lash out easily. You no longer care for the things you once cared about; responsibilities evaporate, alongside respect for others.
- While the moon is full, you transform. You shed your skin as a snake would and your anger towards those that are not moon-kissed blossoms into a violent rage.
- While the moon is new, you regain all sense of who you are. Often this comes with guilt, despair, or liberating freedom.
- Once you've enjoyed this cycle once, you can choose to embrace the moon, allowing you to freely transform into your werewolf and direwolf forms; or, you can reject the moon and suffer this cycle again and again until you eventually fall in, die, or are cured.
- If you embrace the moon, the moon retroactively possesses you so that you were always possessed. You forget your life beforehand, and your entire brain is reworked to be a lycan in true.
Curing Lycanthropy
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Embracing the moon is synonymous With fiendish worship in Luarar. |
- Limeflower, found in the Moonwood, Chult, and across the Sea of Fallen Stars, eases the cycle, allowing one to remain relatively stable. If enough is taken, and mixed with numerous other herbs, incenses, and strange rituals, silver bleeds from your body, taking with it the lycan's curse.
- Delving into the Underdark and the Veins of the Earth makes it impossible for the cycle to take hold. You are always in your "moon wane" state-of-mind and, if you can resist going back to the surface (a saving throw of Wisdom or against spells death every 12 hours), you vomit up silver & curse alike.
- Remove Curse or Greater Restoration or a Wish all strip the curse from the body.
- Death & resurrection sees the body reborn without the curse.
Werewolf Benefits
- While transformed, you gain the Strength, Dexterty, and Constitution ability scores of a werewolf, an additional 30 hit points, and a werewolf's attacks and features, as per your system of choice.
- Silver weapons do double damage to you.
- While not transformed, you gain an increased movement speed of 20 feet, and +1 to your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution modifiers.
- You lose all respect for material goods and non-lycans, to the point where you think killing them is better than letting them live in their wretched state.
Roll on the following tables to create a werewolf for your games.
Life Before Transformation
- Silver miner.
- Farmer or farmhand.
- Magic-user at the Conclave of Silverhand.
- Adventurer.
- Knight in Silver.
- Noble or aristocrat.
- Religious acolyte, cleric, or cultist.
- Moon Druid,
- Merchant.
- Foreign visitor.
Why You Transformed
- A broken mind required silver-healing. You became addicted.
- A broken body required silver-healing. You became addicted.
- Hateful of your own weakness, you consumed silver to prove you were strong.
- A super pack descended and left you marked and your family dead.
- A ravaging lycan crossed your path and left you cursed.
- Praying to the moon for aid, you found yourself moon-kissed.
- Desiring freedom from society's chains, you went into the Moonwood and joined the druids.
- Wolves haunt your dreams, and eventually you became one.
- After killing a direwolf, it cursed you to carry on its legacy.
- You wanted revenge on someone more powerful than you, and threw everything away to get it.
Omen Heralding your Arrival
- Wolves gather en masse, howling to a moon no other can see.
- The moon is visible in the sky despite the fact that it is day.
- The moon is clear, even during the Season of Thunder when clouds hide the sky.
- Silver begins to melt and form strange puddles on the ground.
- There is total silence, as if all animals were hiding.
- A strange howl cuts through the night wind.
- Ghost doe run across fields, fleeing something vicious.
- Sudden anger blossoms in the minds of all who worship the moon.
- Like a wall of electricity slammed into you, every hair along your spine stands on end.
- Bloody claw marks stain tree, soil, and home alike.
Your Horrific Howl Sounds Like
- A hundred wolves howling at once.
- Flesh being torn and bone broken.
- The death cry of a deer being eaten alive.
- An avalanche of snow and ice.
- Silver blades clashing against silver blades.
- White noise, crackling.
- The pleas of their last victim.
- The scream-chanting of a hundred cultists.
- An explosion, never-ending.
- The hateful rage of a woman twice scorned.
Color of your Fur
- Snow covering a bloodied corpse.
- Dirt turned to mud by viscera.
- A night sky bathed in starlight.
- An aurora twisting underneath the moon.
- Shadows over snowcapped mountains.
- A man's chest torn open.
- Blackness found only on the dark side of the moon.
- Tree bark clawed by an alpha wolf.
- The ethereal white of a ghost doe.
- Darkness in which the golden eyes of a wolf shines.
Unique Ability
- Having eaten so much ghostly flesh, you can become ethereal at will.
- See trails of blood-smell leading towards living creatures.
- Your shadow is a lycan too, leaves your body, and hunts alongside you.
- Your shed blood becomes 1d4 silver direwolves that aid you in your hunts.
- When howling to the moon, prophecies of the night's hunt fill your mind. Gain advantage on all attack rolls against 1 target of your choice.
- Claws and teeth made of silver allow you silver's bless'd properties.
- Those that hear your howl must save (Wisdom or vs paralysis) or be consumed by fear and become paralyzed.
- Can cast the spell moonbeam fired from your mouth.
- Can scale surfaces as if a spider.
- You teleport into shadows at night.
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Lycans grow more monstrous the longer they go without feeding; And more twisted the longer they go without silver. |
While Lunagricultism and Moondancing are the two most popular religions in Luarar, they will get their own blog posts. Below, some basic shared pslams of moon worship are given, as well as blessings and boons.
Basic Pslams
- Bless'd thou who judges not by sex, not by destiny, not by work.
- Wicked are thus those who hunt without eating.
- A sliver of silver is worth only the love in which it is handed to another.
- At night, turn off all lights not needed for art and appreciate the glow of Our Night White Lady.
- Children under 10 years wane and wax law and chaos; of no crime are they guilty, but a lesson must be taught.
- Let those who ask for succor find it, so long as they have teeth and not fangs, love and not hate.
- Tragedy is to life as water to the seed; fortune comes, fortune goes, and wisdom is born.
When you finish a rest and say an earnest prayer to the moon (including any of its aspects), your GM rolls a 1d6 and gives you the following. This happens once every 24 hours, and does not happen with every prayer.
GMs, when a player makes a prayer and is eligible for one of the following benefits, roll d% in secret. Roll under their level + each prayer they've made since the last to roll on the table below.
- A boon or blessing from the Dungeon Master's Guide.
- An additional spell slot between 1st-5th level.
- A free hit die for regaining hit points.
- A d20 is rolled. You can replace 1 roll of your choice (yours or someone else's) with the number rolled before you finish another rest.
- Dancing Lights appear and float around you, the tears of the moon itself.
- A wolf leaves an uncommon magical item at your feet. It turns into silver dust when you begin your next rest.
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A Moondancer in the midst of an arcane ritual. |
Use the tables to roll up a werewolf and post it below!
ReplyDeleteI realize that silver is traditionally associated with the moon and werewolves, so your use of it here makes sense. That being said, it's so expanded beyond what I typically consider for fantasy silver, that it makes me think about some other things that might logically follow.
ReplyDeleteMedieval alchemy is often centered around gold, and the transmutation of lead to gold, and in the Greek and Roman mythologies that influenced medieval alchemy, gold was associated with the sun.
So I assume, at the very least, that the people of the Silvered Marches follow a Lunar calendar, but do they also have a silver-based theory of alchemy? On a more philosophical level, the focus on transmutation of lead to gold is often compared to an attempt to purify the soul. It's rooted in Pre-Christian philosophy and mythology, but took on a very Christian connotation, which could be connected to light / the sun, and also to masculinity. The moon is typically associated with femininity in mythology, consistent with your use of Selene, and you could maybe even tie lycanthropy into superstitions around menstruation and "lunacy" (I don't think people make this specific connection between the moon, femininity, and lycanthropy, but you could kind of jam that connotation in there (sex pun intended because I can't help myself but I apologize if I offend)).
That was sort of a long way of asking, is there an equivalent to the philosopher's stone in this setting? Is there an equivalent to the pursuit of transmuting lead to gold that might be more rooted in "feminine" values than "masculine" values. The idea of self-perfection feels very "masculine" to me, whereas it might be interesting if the transmutation of lead to silver somehow had a more social or inter-personal, rather than intra-personal philosophical connotation. I realize "feminine" and "masculine" is loaded, and the idea of "masculine" as self-oriented and "feminine" as social-oriented also loaded, I'm basing this on historical connotations and "masculine" and "feminine" in the abstract and not as my personal idea of male and female or a claim about the objective nature of males and females or anything like that.
Anyway, food for thought!
"Medusae petrify demons and devils to add to the size of the moon"
ReplyDeleteLike *that* is going to go well! Do you use the "medusa dies, all materials revert back" rule?
Do you want to have power and influence over others, To be charming and desirable, To have wealth, health, without delaying in a good human posture and becoming an immortal? If yes, these your chance. It's a world of vampire where life get easier,We have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich, You will assured long life and prosperity, You shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, Stronger and also very fast, You will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, This is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on