He is eight feet tall and not a single hair dares weed his body. Both eyes are sootblack and his laugh is loud and hearty and his voice a susurrus that cannot and should not be ignored. Every muscle across his frame is covered in tight skin that allows it to ripple under the Dark Sun's ruby light. He is the color of porcelein. He burns, and he bleeds, but he neither scars nor cripples. A grinding mind sits enthroned in his skull and it rules the Way as Sorcerer-Kings do their city-states and no other laws are permitted to exist when one is within the scope of his sight or the threat of his voice or the death of his thoughts. Thrice has he met the Dragon and a dozen times have the slavers he commands been killed to a man and every time he has the supped on their ribs and danced on the graves he dug for his precious brothers and sisters while laughing and singing his own praises that tell the world that he will never die. Never once has this song been a lie and never it will be and even when Athas has decided to turn to dust or once more live green the Theurge will remain and he will dance and he will sing and he will dance and he will sing and never will he sleep.
Engineers capture well his image. |
The Theurge
HD: 20+20
AC: As naked
Speed: As man
Attack: 2d12 mind thrust, +10 to hit.
Morale: 12
- Has a 6-in-6 Psionics skill.
- Knows all 12 powers under both Psychoportation and Telepathy.
- Has the power Your Life is My Life. When someone dies within his presence, he psionically consumes the years of life they would have lived. In this way, he regenerates 6hp per round and will never age.
- Is usually found as apart (but never the leader of) a crew of 1d10 slavers with 1d12 slaves in tow.
- Saves as a 20th level Magic-User.
- Will rarely fight enemies to the death, either theirs or his. Will either enslave or reduce to 0 HP, stabilize, and let them live.
- Anyone who has been hit by one of his mind thrusts has their location known to him at all times.
- Can create an Intellect Fortress as he wills.
Fucks with the party, enslaves them, watches them escapes, continues the game. Based heavily off of the Judge from Blood Meridian.
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