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Dope poster made by Jake for me |
Since the book isn't done and only the playtest is out, I have a whoooooole lot of material I can interject. Basically about to take the setting and make it extremely Marquis. What does that mean? Basically pump up the mysticism, divination, and weird symbology shit to 11, then put that all into a "Theatre of Blood," ala Blood Meridian. I'll be running it on the MTD Twitch channel.
I'm thinking in order to make it Marquis, I want to have a random table, and I want that table to be extreme. So, here's draft 1 of it. I'll refine it and tool it over the next week, replacing some entries or sharpening them. The table is broken into themed chunks.
1-5=Deadly Apocalyptic Magic Environs.
6-10=Encounters with races
11-15=Spiritual shit
16-19=Demonic shit. These will all be "You encounter X" where X is a named Archdevil.
20=Roll twice and both happen events happen at once.
The Ravaged Wasteland of Crifoth: Haunting Visions & Hellish Torments Table
Roll 1d4 times on the table below. Incorporate each into the session. If something is rerolled, make an edit to it so that it is more extreme, more nebulous, or more psychotic.
- River-long oil slick cuts through the blood sands. Looking into its rainbow-blackness gives one a vision of someone else's brutal death and immediate cannibalism. The next 1d6 wounds suffered by the seer deal 1 point of damage, and the one immediately after that drops one to 1 hit point.
- A deathstorm musters on the horizon. Filled with undead (Storm Sharks is my fill in name for them). See a sandstorm where the sand is all pitch black, with flashes of red lightning inside of it. Every turn inside of the deathstorm without shelter requires a DC 19 Con save or you suffer 2d20 damage in the form of a previous wound. At 0 HP, automatically die.
- An abandoned human factory filled with 660 cannibalized corpses and 6 Hunters aimlessly haunting the place. DC 19 Stealth check must be made when exploring or Hunters will latch onto humans and lead fiends to them within 48 hours.
- Literal mountain of corpses 5 miles high visible in the distance. Poisons air and sand around it for 100 miles. If something drops to below half hit points while close to the mountain, every 10 minutes they must make a DC 19 Dexterity Save or be grappled by undead hands bursting from ground. If grapple isn't broken by end of next turn, hands teleport the grapple into the massive mountain of corpses, where they are crushed to death after 1d6 turns if they don't succeed on 2 additional DC 19 Strength checks.
- It begins to rain tainted water over a 50 mile area, making the blood run out of the sand. Everything is difficult terrain and blood-drenched quicksand. If still in rain-zone after 1 hour, DC 19 Strength save is required, with failure resulting in being grappled by the sand and slowly sinking. Then every 6 seconds (turn) afterwards, another save must be made. If 3 saves failed, the grapple is considered restrained and is drowning in the blood sand at the end of next turn.
- 66 Incarnum are waging war against 600 petty demons. Random elemental magics are breaking and reshaping the surrounding world. Every 10 minutes spent within 10 miles of the battlefield, one of the following things occurs: 1. Tall, black cliffs rise from the ground and waterfalls of bloodsand pour over them 2. Tornadoes appear from nowhere, filled with chunks of demon 3. The temperature spikes to 100* C for 1 minute before dropping back down 4. A flash flood of black ichor quickly sweeps the sands before disappearing 1 minute later.
- 666 Ssuri are painting themselves in blood-mud and preparing to launch a raid on a nearby Devil City. Roll a d6 for their reaction to the party 1. Food 2. Mates 3. Weapons 4. Ill Omens 5. Good Fortune 6. Sacrifices
- 660 dead blood knights and 6 living ones surround the corpse of an Archdevil. They are consuming its heart and swelling in power. Roll a d6 for their reaction to the party. 1. Silent astonishment; continue eating 2. Defensive of their meal; still eating 3. Hungry for more; will ambush party when they leave 4. Sane and explaining what happened; still eating 5. Weeping for their lost ones and spoiling for a fight; still eating 6. Finished eating; preparing to devour each other. 12 hours later an Archdevil will attack the party if tieflings not killed.
- Orc War Party scream rage-prayers and dance around black fires. Roll a d6 for their reaction to the party. 1. Welcoming if they join in their rituals 2. Testing; will challenge them to 1 on 1 combats 3. Afraid; sees them as gods and watch but won't interact 4. Afraid; sees them as ill omens and will hunt party until campaign ends 5. Sees them as valuable war assets 6. Takes them to Spiritual Leader, has their fates read, and then kicks them out of camp
- Traveling band of 6 ash elves. Will ignore the party but follow them silently. Every day, 1-in-6 chance that another band of 6 ash elves appear and trail the party. If party is about to die, roll a reaction die to see what happens. 1. Ash elves intervene, killing whatever is killing the party. 2. Ash elves kill the party and then the aggressor, consuming both and using their blood to regain magic. 3. Ash elves cry blood tears and resurrect the party after danger has left. Ash elves will be mysteriously gone 4. Ash elves flood the area with oil, granting everyone in the party the benefits of the river-long oil slick 5. Ash elves commit ritual suicide en masse and restore the parties blood and grit points to maximum, as well as any cooldowns. 6. Ash elves begin to sing. 66 Incarnum appear and begin to kill everything in sight.
- Four spectral riders can always be seen on a blood-dune in the distance for the next 48 hours (or until the 7 days ends). Every day, a different party member gains the ability to cast one of the following spells once. Roll d4 for spell 1. Dream (only on Archdevils) 2. Meteor Swarm 3. Illusory Dragon 4. Psychic Scream. Spell DC for all spells is 24.
- Half of the sun disappears. The world is bathed in perpetual twilight for 24 hours as planet ceases to turn. PCs regenerate half their blood points immediately after combat.
- Gods are watching, for however brief a time. The night sky is clearly arranged into unique and hyper-defined constellations. Fiends had disadvantage on all attack rolls for 12 hours
- The petrified bodies of human monks in meditation are humming "Ohm" in unison. All exhaustion is removed within 10 miles of these dead monks. The exhaustion returns back at 1 point per hour once area is left.
- All water is replaced by oil. When drank, see through the eyes of any Archdevils that know of your existence.
- You encounter Jupiter.
- You encounter the Demon of Song.
- You encounter the Oil Slick Death Angel.
- You encounter Malice.
- Roll two options and combine them.
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